January Check In: New Beginnings

Words: New Beginnings

Mantra: I have the power to choose

I have good news: this year is going to be amazing—for all of us!

We have the chance for a brand new start. This month, I want you to focus on your intentions and choose what you want out of the year. And I want this year to be different, I want you to actually accomplish the things you set out for yourself.

Here are 5 steps to make sure that happens.

  1. Write a list of everything you want to do this year, everything that comes to mind.

  2. Once you’re done, take a look at your list and circle the things that you need—that are truly important to you.

  3. Get specific with those goals and visualize what your life is going to be like once you accomplish your goals; if you have to, rewrite them out on a separate sheet of paper.

  4. Dissect those goals into smaller parts, simpler parts; doing this makes the goal less overwhelming and easier to actually accomplish. Start small.

  5. Choose to stay consistent and not give up. Changes won’t happen immediately, so it’s so important to stay positive and keep at it!

Remember, you have 365 days to make things happen! Every day is a new beginning and you have the power to make this year amazing.

What are your intentions and goals for 2021? Find me on Instagram and let me know!


Yoga Pose

(Crescent Lunge Pose)

The crescent lunge stretches your legs and opens your torso and chest. It’s a balance pose, backbend, and heart opener all in one, and it reduces fatigue and stress and increases energy by building mental focus.


  1. Begin in a low lunge position and drop your back knee all the way to the mat. Make sure your front knee is directly over your ankle

  2. Inhale and raise your arms above your head

  3. If you want to deepen the stretch, you can pull your hands further behind you into a backbend or lean your front leg forward more for more of a hip stretch

  4. Hold for five breaths

  5. Exhale to release your hands down and release the pose

  6. Repeat on the other side

Recipe of the Month: Avocado Toast

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December Check In: Happiness


Mantra: My happiness comes from within

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The Declaration of Independence says we all have the right to the “pursuit of happiness,” but, maybe surprisingly, only 1 in every 3 Americans are actually happy!

One in three!

Why is that? Well, a lot of us focus on the negative. We may not mean to, but it’s sometimes the easier thing to turn to. And as moms, we have so much on our plate, that the stress just gets to us. 

Here’s the thing though, the way we react to what life throws at us is what causes our happiness or unhappiness. We can take control of those emotions and actually make ourselves happy—even when life is stressful and things aren’t going our way.

Want to feel happier now? Here are five practices you can do to start making yourself happier:

  • Let go of needing to be specific – be able to go with the flow

  • Define your own success – don’t compare yourself to others

  • Commit 100% to the things that make you happy

  • Be grateful for what you already have

  • Connect with yourself and invest in yourself

One of the greatest things about happiness is that it’s contagious! Make everyone around you feel happy, and it’ll make you happy too.

How do you create happiness? What makes you happy? Find me on Instagram and let me know!

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Yoga Pose

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

The camel pose stretches and creates movement throughout the body and invites in positive energy and happiness.


  1. Begin on your knees with your legs and feet hip width distance

  2. Place your hands behind you on your glutes (like you’re putting your hands in back pockets)

  3. Engage your core and press your hips and thighs forward

  4. Lift your chest and reach back until your hands touch your heels

  5. Hold for five breaths and keep your gaze behind you

  6. To release: on an exhale, slowly bring your hands back to your glutes and lift your torso so you’re upright again

*Note: If you can’t reach your heels, don’t worry! Simply keep you hands on your glutes or yoga use blocks to rest your hands on.

Recipe of the Month: Warm Green Tea

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November Check In: GIVING


Mantra: When I give to myself, I allow myself to grow


The other day, I spent a full 10 minutes contemplating whether I would take the two last slices of bread to eat for breakfast. I knew that warm sourdough with melted butter and a little honey sounded amazing—but it would leave my kids and husband without bread (for a day!). I spent 10 MINUTES thinking about this! And in the end, I decided to pop those pieces of bread into the toaster and enjoyed my meal. It was good and it was a small moment to give myself something I truly wanted.

This month is all about self giving. And November’s Metamorphosis Mom Box is full of tools that will help you through the holidays, so that when you need to take a minute for yourself, you can.

As moms, we have a tendency to give give give, and put everyone else before ourselves, but when we do that, we don’t allow ourselves to receive. And if you want to receive, you have to give to yourself first.

Here’s what happens when you give to yourself:

  • You start feeling more confident and in charge of yourself

  • You’ll set boundaries around yourself and honor your needs

  • You will stop looking for approval from others and start respecting yourself more

Giving to yourself may sound selfish at first, but I promise you, it’s not! Because, here’s the thing, when you give back to yourself and honor yourself, then everything you give out to those you love will be more authentic and meaningful.

If you do decide to give yourself something special, I recommend starting with a moment of quiet, then upgrading to a moment of indulgence (like my delicious breakfast), and then finally graduating to the inspiring and valuable gift of the Metamorphosis Mom Boxfollow me on Instagram for more details or get your box now by clicking here!

A Gift That Keeps On Giving

Metamorphosis Mom Box

I'm starting a new subscription box specially created and curated for mom's over 40! Each month, you'll receive a gift of 4 - 5 surprise items to help you feel special spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. That's $150+ worth of luxury items and goodies, for just $85!

As mom's, we tend to put others first. make yourself the priority for once, and treat yourself to the luxurious feeling of a little self-care—you deserve this!

When you subscribe, you also get an exclusive invitation to our Private Facebook Group. It is only for subscribers. We will talk about the monthly theme, open the box up, get educated by professionals and grow our community of moms. It is a great way to grow as a mom

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Yoga Pose

Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)

Yoga Pose: Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)

This simple standing posture gives you time to be aware of your emotions, thoughts, and body sensations. Pick out a mantra for your practice to repeat to yourself as you breathe.


  1. From a standing position with the feet slightly wider than your hips, bend the elbows and bring arms to shoulder height.

  2. Turn the feet out 45 degrees to face the corners of the room.

  3. Exhale and bend the knees over your toes to come into a squat position. Look straight ahead with the chin parallel to the floor.

  4. Hold for 3 to 6 breaths.

  5. To release: inhale and straighten your legs, reaching your fingertips to the ceiling, then exhale and bring your arms to your sides.

Recipe of the Month: Warm Green Tea

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Essential Oils
for giving

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October Check In: SELF CARE


Mantra: When I take care of myself, I take care of all those I touch as well.

This month, I’m challenging my Metamorphosis Mom community to focus on self care.

The Metamorphosis Mom Box is actually filled with a bunch of items to help moms purposefully practice self care. And what I love about the box is that it celebrates all the different ways moms can practice self care—because it’s more than just treating yourself to a manicure or new shoes.

Self care should come from within. It’s about self improvement. When you practice self care, you should be caring for yourself from your heart and mind too.

Getting enough sleep, hydrating, going for walks, yoga…these actions will all help nurture you from the inside out. Because if you’re not feeling great mentally or physically, then “self care” is just a short-term fix. Here are a few more ideas for practicing holistic (mind, body, heart, and spirit) self care:

  • Surround yourself with people who uplift you

  • Heal your emotional wounds

  • Breathe – as moms, we tend to take care of everyone else, make sure you’re taking time out of your busy day to stop, breathe, and check in with yourself too

  • Smell soothing fragrances – lavender, jasmine, and gardenia are some aromas that can increase your mood and energy (that’s why I include a candle in every Metamorphosis Mom Box!)

  • Change your mindset to think positive – live your life as if you have everything rather than nothing; this will help you create a positive mindset that will push you to keep improving, growing, and taking care of yourself

If you want more real, mom-focused self care tips, check out this video.

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Yoga Pose: Sukhasana Hands to Heart (Loving Pose)

A sitting pose that helps draw you inside yourself and create a meditative state where you can really become in tune with your body.


  1. Come into a seated position on the floor, then cross your legs in front of you

  2. Press your hip bones down into the floor and straighten the crown of your head up to lengthen the spine

  3. Place one hand over your stomach and one over your chest; relax your face, jaw, and belly

  4. Breathe deeply through the nose down into the belly

  5. Hold for 10 breaths

This Month’s Recipe

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Essential Oils for self care

September Check In: BALANCE


Mantra: When I am balanced, I become aligned with my needs.

Our society tends to prioritize balance—but so few women truly have balance in their lives. Balance isn’t just a buzzword, it’s about becoming more aligned with yourself. Many times we think balance has to do with your health or our lifestyle, but it also has to do with our surroundings. That’s why it’s important to have balance in your home.

Your home is your sanctuary, it’s a place where you should be able to destress at the end of the day, but that’s not always the case. There are things that can cause your home to become out of balance. And if you’re not aligned in just one area of your life, it can cause everything else to feel out of balance too.

If you want to create a place of balance—one that gives you calm, relaxing, positive vibes—try these three tips:

  • Minimize clutter - clutter can cause you to feel foggy, and an emotional attachment to objects, or clutter add baggage to your life, which puts you out of balance

  • Fill your home with items of positive energy - these plants, art, colors, pets, etc.

  • Get rid of negative objects - being surrounded by things that hold negative memories or evoke negative emotions, whether it’s photos or even a lipstick, will through you off balance

If you want more tips for turning your home into a sanctuary, check out this video.

Yoga Pose: Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

A standing pose that sets the foundation for all other postures; it makes a great staring position or resting pose, and tests your concentration and improves balance. 


  1. Stand with your feet together, with knees over your toes and weight evently distibuted between each foot.

  2. Engage your quads and hamstring muscles equally, and lengthen your neck as you stand. Your body should form a long line from your feet to the crown of your head.

  3. With your arms at your side, turn your palms to face forward. Align your neck so it feels long and even on all sides.

  4. Inhale and lift your rib cage evenly away from your pelvis; exhale and hug in the sides of your waist to create stability.

  5. Hold for 10 breaths.

This Month’s Recipe

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This recipe includes blueberries, to help you start your day with balance.

Overnight Chia Pudding:

(This recipe is for eating and storing for later)

  • Almond milk

  • Slided almonds

  • Flax seeds

  • Collagen (optional)

  • Chia seeds

  • Blueberries

  • Other fruits (bananas, raspberries, strawberries, raisins, mango, pineapple, etc.)

Add almond milk to a container

Add sliced almonds, flax seeds, collagen (optional) and chia seeds to milk

Allow to set in the fridge overnight.

Next morning, stir with a spoon and add your favorite fruit.


Want more info on the benefits of blueberries? Read this.

Essential Oils

When you feel like your mind is all over the place and keeping negative thoughts at bay seems nearly impossible, frankincense can help you improve focus, boost concentration, minimize irritability and restlessness—and find balance

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August Check In: RECEIVE


Mantra: For me to receive the positive, I need to let go of the negative.


How often do you say or think things like, “I don’t like their vibe” or “the vibe in this room is off”?

What exactly are those intuitions or feelings? They’re vibrations. And, believe it or not, they can affect how we receive (or don’t receive) the positive.

Vibrations are an energy or state of being, and they can be high or low.

Vibrations are a way to manifest visions of positivity, light and love. High vibrations can also help with the aging process, the way we think, the energy we emit, and who we become.

When you meet someone new or you’re at a party and everyone seems to gravitate towards one person, that’s because they have a high vibration. It’s magnetic!

People with high vibrations have a beautiful sense of life, a fantastic money flow, and optimistic viewpoints, plus, they’re happy, more grateful, and more positive.

The thing is, as moms, we feel responsible for everyone in our family. We don’t feel happy unless everyone else is happy. But that also means if someone we love—our kids or our partner—has a low vibration, we can suck that up negative energy. That prevents us from receiving any positive energy!

When we let go of that feeling of responsibility, that tendency to reflect others’ low vibrations, then we can receive positive! We have to be able to raise our vibration if we want to receive the positive.

Want to know the secret to vibrating higher? Watch this video.

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Yoga Pose:

(Camel Pose)

A backbend that stretches the front of the body. This a more advanced chest-opening pose, so be aware of your body and its limits, especially if you have lower back or neck issues.


Kneel on the floor with your knees hip-width apart and your thighs perpendicular to the floor; tuck your toes under.

Bring your hands to your low back, your fingers pointing down.

Inhale and draw your hips forward, while walking your gaze up and back. You should feel an opening of the chest.

To deepen the pose, continue to lean back and reach for one heel at a time. Hold onto each of your heels, with your fingertips pointing toward your toes and thumbs on the outside of each foot.

Keep your thighs perpendicular to the floor, with your hips directly over your knees.

Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.



Metamorphosis Mom Box

I'm starting a new subscription box specially created and curated for mom's over 40! Each month, you'll receive a gift of 4 - 5 surprise items to help you feel special spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. That's $150+ worth of luxury items and goodies, for just $85!

As mom's, we tend to put others first. make yourself the priority for once, and treat yourself to the luxurious feeling of a little self-care—you deserve this!

When you subscribe, you also get an exclusive invitation to our Private Facebook Group.  It is only for subscribers. We will talk about the monthly theme, open the box up, get educated by professionals and grow our community of moms.  It is a great way to grow as a mom.

3 drops Bergamot + 2 drops Orange + 2 drops Eucalyptus

3 drops Bergamot + 2 drops Orange + 2 drops Eucalyptus

Manifesting Happiness: Part 1

Manifesting Happiness: Part 1

A lot of people think that happiness is feeling constantly feeling joy and fulfillment. There’s a misconception that happy people are out there being happy ALL THE TIME. And the people who aren’t happy are out there trying to figure out what w Studies show that happiness is more directly tied to our relationships, memories, and feelings, more than our possessions. So, how can you get there?