Words: New Beginnings
Mantra: I have the power to choose
I have good news: this year is going to be amazing—for all of us!
We have the chance for a brand new start. This month, I want you to focus on your intentions and choose what you want out of the year. And I want this year to be different, I want you to actually accomplish the things you set out for yourself.
Here are 5 steps to make sure that happens.
Write a list of everything you want to do this year, everything that comes to mind.
Once you’re done, take a look at your list and circle the things that you need—that are truly important to you.
Get specific with those goals and visualize what your life is going to be like once you accomplish your goals; if you have to, rewrite them out on a separate sheet of paper.
Dissect those goals into smaller parts, simpler parts; doing this makes the goal less overwhelming and easier to actually accomplish. Start small.
Choose to stay consistent and not give up. Changes won’t happen immediately, so it’s so important to stay positive and keep at it!
Remember, you have 365 days to make things happen! Every day is a new beginning and you have the power to make this year amazing.
What are your intentions and goals for 2021? Find me on Instagram and let me know!
Yoga Pose
(Crescent Lunge Pose)
The crescent lunge stretches your legs and opens your torso and chest. It’s a balance pose, backbend, and heart opener all in one, and it reduces fatigue and stress and increases energy by building mental focus.
Begin in a low lunge position and drop your back knee all the way to the mat. Make sure your front knee is directly over your ankle
Inhale and raise your arms above your head
If you want to deepen the stretch, you can pull your hands further behind you into a backbend or lean your front leg forward more for more of a hip stretch
Hold for five breaths
Exhale to release your hands down and release the pose
Repeat on the other side