Mantra: My happiness comes from within
The Declaration of Independence says we all have the right to the “pursuit of happiness,” but, maybe surprisingly, only 1 in every 3 Americans are actually happy!
One in three!
Why is that? Well, a lot of us focus on the negative. We may not mean to, but it’s sometimes the easier thing to turn to. And as moms, we have so much on our plate, that the stress just gets to us.
Here’s the thing though, the way we react to what life throws at us is what causes our happiness or unhappiness. We can take control of those emotions and actually make ourselves happy—even when life is stressful and things aren’t going our way.
Want to feel happier now? Here are five practices you can do to start making yourself happier:
Let go of needing to be specific – be able to go with the flow
Define your own success – don’t compare yourself to others
Commit 100% to the things that make you happy
Be grateful for what you already have
Connect with yourself and invest in yourself
One of the greatest things about happiness is that it’s contagious! Make everyone around you feel happy, and it’ll make you happy too.
How do you create happiness? What makes you happy? Find me on Instagram and let me know!
Yoga Pose
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
The camel pose stretches and creates movement throughout the body and invites in positive energy and happiness.
Begin on your knees with your legs and feet hip width distance
Place your hands behind you on your glutes (like you’re putting your hands in back pockets)
Engage your core and press your hips and thighs forward
Lift your chest and reach back until your hands touch your heels
Hold for five breaths and keep your gaze behind you
To release: on an exhale, slowly bring your hands back to your glutes and lift your torso so you’re upright again
*Note: If you can’t reach your heels, don’t worry! Simply keep you hands on your glutes or yoga use blocks to rest your hands on.