Mantra: When I give to myself, I allow myself to grow
The other day, I spent a full 10 minutes contemplating whether I would take the two last slices of bread to eat for breakfast. I knew that warm sourdough with melted butter and a little honey sounded amazing—but it would leave my kids and husband without bread (for a day!). I spent 10 MINUTES thinking about this! And in the end, I decided to pop those pieces of bread into the toaster and enjoyed my meal. It was good and it was a small moment to give myself something I truly wanted.
This month is all about self giving. And November’s Metamorphosis Mom Box is full of tools that will help you through the holidays, so that when you need to take a minute for yourself, you can.
As moms, we have a tendency to give give give, and put everyone else before ourselves, but when we do that, we don’t allow ourselves to receive. And if you want to receive, you have to give to yourself first.
Here’s what happens when you give to yourself:
You start feeling more confident and in charge of yourself
You’ll set boundaries around yourself and honor your needs
You will stop looking for approval from others and start respecting yourself more
Giving to yourself may sound selfish at first, but I promise you, it’s not! Because, here’s the thing, when you give back to yourself and honor yourself, then everything you give out to those you love will be more authentic and meaningful.
If you do decide to give yourself something special, I recommend starting with a moment of quiet, then upgrading to a moment of indulgence (like my delicious breakfast), and then finally graduating to the inspiring and valuable gift of the Metamorphosis Mom Box—follow me on Instagram for more details or get your box now by clicking here!
A Gift That Keeps On Giving
Metamorphosis Mom Box
I'm starting a new subscription box specially created and curated for mom's over 40! Each month, you'll receive a gift of 4 - 5 surprise items to help you feel special spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. That's $150+ worth of luxury items and goodies, for just $85!
As mom's, we tend to put others first. make yourself the priority for once, and treat yourself to the luxurious feeling of a little self-care—you deserve this!
When you subscribe, you also get an exclusive invitation to our Private Facebook Group. It is only for subscribers. We will talk about the monthly theme, open the box up, get educated by professionals and grow our community of moms. It is a great way to grow as a mom
Yoga Pose
Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)
Yoga Pose: Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)
This simple standing posture gives you time to be aware of your emotions, thoughts, and body sensations. Pick out a mantra for your practice to repeat to yourself as you breathe.
From a standing position with the feet slightly wider than your hips, bend the elbows and bring arms to shoulder height.
Turn the feet out 45 degrees to face the corners of the room.
Exhale and bend the knees over your toes to come into a squat position. Look straight ahead with the chin parallel to the floor.
Hold for 3 to 6 breaths.
To release: inhale and straighten your legs, reaching your fingertips to the ceiling, then exhale and bring your arms to your sides.
Recipe of the Month: Warm Green Tea