September Check In: BALANCE


Mantra: When I am balanced, I become aligned with my needs.

Our society tends to prioritize balance—but so few women truly have balance in their lives. Balance isn’t just a buzzword, it’s about becoming more aligned with yourself. Many times we think balance has to do with your health or our lifestyle, but it also has to do with our surroundings. That’s why it’s important to have balance in your home.

Your home is your sanctuary, it’s a place where you should be able to destress at the end of the day, but that’s not always the case. There are things that can cause your home to become out of balance. And if you’re not aligned in just one area of your life, it can cause everything else to feel out of balance too.

If you want to create a place of balance—one that gives you calm, relaxing, positive vibes—try these three tips:

  • Minimize clutter - clutter can cause you to feel foggy, and an emotional attachment to objects, or clutter add baggage to your life, which puts you out of balance

  • Fill your home with items of positive energy - these plants, art, colors, pets, etc.

  • Get rid of negative objects - being surrounded by things that hold negative memories or evoke negative emotions, whether it’s photos or even a lipstick, will through you off balance

If you want more tips for turning your home into a sanctuary, check out this video.

Yoga Pose: Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

A standing pose that sets the foundation for all other postures; it makes a great staring position or resting pose, and tests your concentration and improves balance. 


  1. Stand with your feet together, with knees over your toes and weight evently distibuted between each foot.

  2. Engage your quads and hamstring muscles equally, and lengthen your neck as you stand. Your body should form a long line from your feet to the crown of your head.

  3. With your arms at your side, turn your palms to face forward. Align your neck so it feels long and even on all sides.

  4. Inhale and lift your rib cage evenly away from your pelvis; exhale and hug in the sides of your waist to create stability.

  5. Hold for 10 breaths.

This Month’s Recipe

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This recipe includes blueberries, to help you start your day with balance.

Overnight Chia Pudding:

(This recipe is for eating and storing for later)

  • Almond milk

  • Slided almonds

  • Flax seeds

  • Collagen (optional)

  • Chia seeds

  • Blueberries

  • Other fruits (bananas, raspberries, strawberries, raisins, mango, pineapple, etc.)

Add almond milk to a container

Add sliced almonds, flax seeds, collagen (optional) and chia seeds to milk

Allow to set in the fridge overnight.

Next morning, stir with a spoon and add your favorite fruit.


Want more info on the benefits of blueberries? Read this.

Essential Oils

When you feel like your mind is all over the place and keeping negative thoughts at bay seems nearly impossible, frankincense can help you improve focus, boost concentration, minimize irritability and restlessness—and find balance

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