Manifesting Happiness: Part 1

A lot of people think that happiness is feeling constantly feeling joy and fulfillment. There’s a misconception that happy people are out there being happy ALL THE TIME. And the people who aren’t happy are out there trying to figure out what w Studies show that happiness is more directly tied to our relationships, memories, and feelings, more than our possessions. So, how can you get there?

In reality, people can’t feel happy incessantly, but there are things that we can do to feel more satisfied and content with our lives. In my experience, meditation is the most effective tool for changing your thoughts to build happiness.

The more negative thoughts you have, the more negatively you will start to feel towards others. The next time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, shift it to a positive one. As you start to do this more frequently, you will feel happier.

It’s not others who are causing you misery. You are in control. And meditation is what will take you from being negative to being able to control your thoughts and shift them into more positive ones.

When you meditate, you are able to be still and gain clarity. Your brain is able to make connections that it wouldn’t otherwise, allowing you to release anger and frustration. This shift will be noticeable in your attitude when you interact with others!

That said, some people need more than meditation alone to shift their thought patterns. Here are some of my top tips for manifesting happiness:

  • Yoga is also important for creating happiness, as it relieves stress. Stress is something that causes a lot of illness and sadness. 

  • Practicing mindfulness helps you take time out to appreciate the world and all you are accomplishing.

  • I’m a huge believer in saying affirmations. I recommend saying a few every single morning out loud in the mirror, but you can also write them down until you are comfortable with this. You are literally talking yourself into being positive!

  • Start your day on the right note. When you’re able to start your day with positivity, you are preventing the spiral of small problems turning into bigger and bigger problems.

  • Take the time to appreciate the small stuff in life, whether that be memories, an unexpected hug, or a warm ray of sunshine. Hold onto the ways these make you feel throughout your day.

  • Start a gratefulness journal. Did you know that experiencing gratitude releases endorphins? Write a few things you are grateful for every day to uplift your mood. This will help keep you focused even when things feel like they’re falling apart.

  • Break the victimization cycle. As you improve your attitude about yourself and your life, you will feel better about what’s going on around you.

  • Think about your goals and visualize your future self. Picture yourself accomplishing these goals. Write down how you will feel if you reach these goals and how your life will be different.

You are in control. You get to decide how you feel about your life. For more ways to create happiness in your life, stay tuned for Part 2!