Morning Routines

Morning routines are very important for everyone—especially for mothers of grown kids.  When you’re a young mom, your days are filled with getting your kids through the day, fed and bathed.  As your kids begin to grow, you have appointments, homework, parties, volunteering and other activities keeping you busy. Life is always on the go.

For this reason, morning routines are important. They set the tone for your day, keep you motivated, and keep you organized. When you’re rushing to get out the door, you’re often in panic mode, so a morning routine can help calm you and ensure you get everything done.  Or if your kids are old enough to get somewhere on their own, you may become lazy and just walk around the house in your pajamas (which is awesome!). But without a morning routine, you might end up with no focus for your day.  It’s great to have an open agenda, but only for a short time. If you lack time management and a daily plan, your life can become chaotic. Little things will pile up and you will feel overwhelmed and out of control.

   This is why having a schedule is so important in our daily lives.  Having a morning routine and mapping out your day can actually give you more freedom and confidence than you think.  It can also help you set goals, prevent you from feeling lonely, and keep you out of situations that don’t serve you.

  Below are some suggested tips for you to follow if you’re planning a morning routine.

  1. Wake Up Early – Wake up at least a ½ hour earlier than you need to every morning.  You want to give yourself enough time to get everything in your morning done without the rush.

  2. Meditate - Some type of daily prayer or meditation is important so that you can create the “calm” you need to stay focused during the day.  

  3. Warm Lemon Water—Drinking some warm lemon water as soon as you get up will help you hydrate, boost your metabolism and aid with digestion.

  4. Write in Your Journal - Make sure that you write in your journal every morning and every night.  Write what you are grateful for, your hopes and goals for the day, and your feelings.

  5. Daily Affirmations - Make sure that you look in the mirror and recite at least 3 positive affirmations for yourself every morning.  It is important to give yourself a boost and honor yourself.

  6. Have a Daily Mantra - A daily saying can help in times of distress or frustration.  It can just be a phrase or a word that will keep you grounded if your day gets chaotic and stress levels begin to rise.

  7. Plan Out Your Meals - This will save you from “the bad stuff” when you’re on the go.  Try packing nuts or yogurt for when you need a quick pick-me-up.

All these tips are just suggestions and guidelines. It is up to you to find what works in your mornings.  Do one or do all 7 – it’s your choice. There also might be other morning rituals that you choose to do as well.  The key is to get in a habit of organizing your mornings so that you feel accomplished, know what to expect for yourself and feel like you have a purpose.  

When kids grow up and you have a lot of time on your hands, it’s very important to remind yourself that you have purpose and a reason to go on. Staying at home can put you in a slump and time can be a challenge. Remember, you are embarking on a new journey and it will be amazing!