Everyone in the world has excuses. Some are good and others are rationalizations so one does not have to commit. Have you ever thought of how excuses make you feel or how they reflect on the type of person you are? The more excuses you give the more you are telling yourself that you are not worthy or in control. You are telling yourself that I cannot commit or follow through. I am not in control. Of course, there are the genuine excuses, which are valid and you cannot help them, if a situation arises.
I am talking about the ones that you say to yourself everyday. The obligations you back out of because of lack of confidence or laziness. When you do not follow through, you are telling yourself and others that you are not worthy. You may be thinking, how is this possible? Let me explain. When you make a promise to someone, it is a courtesy to go with the plan of action and perform the task at hand. If you back out, you are showing them that you are unorganized, and self-centered. If you pledge to do something, it is only honorable to finish what you started. If you are not able to complete the job, you should have said “no”at the start.
When you let things go, you are hurting yourself. “I will go to the gym tomorrow, I will call him later, I don’t have the time,” or “I don’t feel like it, ” are all cop outs to goals and taking control of your life. In this world you are in control. If someone is angry and upset at you, and you feel the need to make excuses or be upset, it is your mind that created this behavior. The way you react this individual is in your control.
Excuses are also a way to disguise anger and not speak up. If you are bothered by someone, that person needs to know, otherwise you bury it within yourself and it erupts or stays suppressed inside your soul. Your main job is to stay a grateful and thankful human being, seeing the good in everyone and following through with life.
This is what most people don’t understand, when you don’t accomplish a goal, it is because of limited beliefs. Something is holding you back. So, how can you change yourself and move forward? Take a deep breath, and look deep inside yourself and see why you are not moving forward with your commitments. Or maybe you are procrastinating. What is the hold up?
Everything is possible in this world. When you make excuses you alter your life, and your world. Your destiny changes. Why do you want to get out of alignment and let the universe get confused. Stay with your true self and your true path. Like I said, you are in control and your behaviors and your thoughts conduct the way you react and lead your life. If you are lost, find your way, the road is straight and narrow, there are no twists and turns along the way. It only become bumpy when you find an excuse for yourself. Stop the excuses and take control of your true self. I know you can.