Six Necessary Actions Women Must Take for a Health Lifestyle

Most women want to be healthy.  In order to be our healthiest, we tend to experiment with different foods, juices, diets and methods of exercise.  But, due to the overwhelming number of programs we can follow and experts we can listen to, women often easily become drowned with information.  Sometimes, the simplest and most effective way to stay healthy is the old fashion way.  As humans, ,it is easy for us to get caught up in the latest trend.  We see positive results from a program on someone else and we think that we should try it as well.  We diet for a little, lose weight, bounce back and then go through the cycle again.  As women, we exercise until we can’t breath and walk on the treadmill even though we hate it, but if we mention how much exercise is disliked we feel like we will be isolated. We want to fit in with the norm, not the exception.

           Have you ever thought of being the exception? Of doing what is right for your body and you? When we are young we are taught to be our own person.  To be unique and not to go with the crowd.  Follow your gut.  What happens when we get older? Some decisions we make on our own, but for the most part, we tend to follow all the other fish in the sea.  When you think about your health, think about what makes you happy and what your body needs.  If your friend can go on a no-carb diet, but you cannot live without bread, then eat it. But perhaps, eat a healthier multi-grain or whole-wheat type. If you are happy, you will be healthy.  Food can lead the way for you.

         As I previously mentioned, there are 6 easy ways to stay healthy.  These simple steps will help you lose weight, be the individual that you are and allow you to stay constant in your eating habits. Are you ready?  These tips are so easy, you will wonder why you never tried them before.

  1. Drink Water. Yes, the simplest thing to do is to stay hydrated. Water helps with weight loss, mood balance and great skin.  You will look and feel good from the inside out.  Some people don’t like plain water.  I add a few drops of grapefruit, or lemon essential oils in my morning water. Other options include infusing your water with lemons (or any other fruit) or mint leaves. I put an entire jug in my fridge every morning an just keep refilling my glass throughout the day. 

2. Sleep. Most people don’t get enough sleep at night and this affects their decision making, mood, skin and overall health.  If you don’t sleep enough you will be irritable, which in the end, leads to poor decisions.   Your life should be full of peace and control.  Getting enough sleep can also prolong your life.

       3. Eat Greens.  For many people this the hardest step.  Green vegetables are a major source of calcium and iron. Green leafy veggies are also do wonders for your immune functions and are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A. They are energizing and provide enzymes that are necessary for our bodies.  I personally like to juice my vegetables.  They give a boost to my body and keep me gong all day. There are also many recipes available and veggies make amazing snacks with hummus.

4. Keep Strong Relationships.  Did you know that being healthy  and eating right is not only about food? Its also about relationships.  As humans, we crave love. We crave hugs. We crave attention. We crave recognition.  Have you noticed that when you are sad, lonely, angry or just bored, what do you do? Yep, eat. So, if you are down in the relationship area and something is not aligned, then your eating habits often suffer as well.  So, the next time, you are eating junk or in a funk, make a conscious awareness to see what you are eating, and why. 

  5. Exercise. We all need it.  We can’t deny it.  What type of an exerciser are you? I don’t like the treadmill.  I love yoga.  I need to be in a class or have an instructor, otherwise I won’t exercise.  Does this sound familiar? What is your style?  I have found a yoga class that works on my cardio and a trainer that helps me with weights. Like I said before, it is important to see what works for you and your body.  What keeps you motivated.  Exercise can be very powerful.  It helps with endorphins (the happy pill), it gives you a good night sleep and it can help relieve your stress and tension.  Your overall attitude becomes more positive.  The biggest plus with exercise is that you are doing something for yourself.

6. Meditate.  This is my favorite tip of them all.  Mediation can be prayer, it can be sitting in silence.  It can be alone time, where you are just staring at the wall.  Morning is the best time to do this.  Because every morning you are born again, and it is like a new day.  So, clear your  mind and have a great start to your day.  Affirmations should also be included before or after your meditation.  It’s hard in the beginning, but it will help with your focus and confidence throughout your day.  If you start your day out calm, you will tend to keep this feeling with you all day.  This will help with mood, the way you eat and the energy to spread along the way.


So, there you have it. The 6 steps a woman needs to start her health journey.  They are simple and straight forward.  Of course, the first thing is awareness of what food you are eating. But these 6 steps will make you more mindful and aware of what you are doing and help you overcome the cravings and the need to eat unnecessarily.  Try these steps to start.  Life and health are a journey.  It is all baby steps and learning along the way.  If you need help, I am here to hold your hand.  If you can do it on your own, I am proud of you.  All I ask is that you check in with yourself and make sure that you are in alignment with yourself. What is going on?  Are you in a good place? Are you happy? Is something off course? If so, how can you fix it and change your story?  I hope I have given you something to talk about until next time. I hope I have opened your eyes to some new questions and really have gotten you to start looking deeper.  The truth is inside of you.  You just need to pull it up to the surface.