Last Minute Tips Before You Head Into The New Year!

It’s the end of December! Not only are the holidays almost here, but we are quickly approaching 2020. We need to be thinking about what our goals are going to be. Think about what you want to achieve, what your health goals are, and what you want to accomplish but you haven’t been able to do yet.

As you work on your goals in 2020, it’s okay if you need to prioritize some goals over others. The important thing is that you don’t give up and that you remind yourself that your time will come.

As you set your goals, I have 3 questions that I want you to keep in mind as you set your goals for 2020.

1. Who are your goals for? Are they for yourself or for others? If you make your goals based on others’ aspirations, you will end up hating the process and dropping out. If you commit to goals that are too big for you or are not your own, inevitably you will start to feel like a failure. Avoid that by making sure your goals are actions that you actually want to accomplish.

2. How big are your goals? People have a tendency to set HUGE goals and leave themselves overwhelmed. It’s much better to break big goals down into 3 parts. I had a friend who recently made a goal to do a headstand. She kept trying and trying, and she wasn’t able to get it. Finally, she realized that she needed to start with downward dog, then move to crow pose, and then when she mastered those, she could move on to working on headstands. Breaking this goal into phases made it much more achievable.

3. What is your game plan? Make sure that you are picking goals that are true to your needs and not just picking one for the sake of doing it. They need to be authentic for you and where you’re at in life.

Each and everyone of you will have different goals, that have different phases, and have different timelines. Please don’t compare your goals to those of those around you. As long as you make sure that your goals are for you and you alone, they are broken down into 3 achievable steps, and they are authentic to your life, you will be able to find success in 2020.