Yoga for Everybody (Copy)

Every body is a yoga body.

I’ve been doing yoga for over 5 years, and it has completely changed my life.

I know, I know. People always say this about their passions. But it’s really true!

I’ve been more calm. I’ve had more energy, stability, and focus. And as I sit on my mat, I find that I’m able to deeply reflect on my day, giving me insight that I wouldn’t otherwise have.

I cannot stress this enough. You should try yoga, and you should practice it consistently, if not daily. Just see how it makes you feel.

Let’s face it. We’re getting older. Our bodies are tired, stiff, and starting to hurt. I’m over 40, and I definitely started feeling these phenomenons taking hold of my body. But with yoga, I’ve been able to prevent stiffness, gain energy, reduce stress, and sleep better.  

I’m living proof that you don’t need to be young, tiny, and super flexible to do yoga. I see these yoga videos all the time on Facebook of young girls doing all these flips. I certainly can’t do that!

Yoga is an individual practice. Like me, you can just do what you can and what your body allows you to do. If you can’t touch your toes or do all the different bends, it doesn’t matter! The most important thing is for you to focus on your breaths and your movements.

Don’t even think about comparing yourself to the “more flexible” person next to you in class. You don’t know how long she’s been doing yoga or what body type she has. Focusing on her doesn’t change what you can and cannot do.

For the things that you can’t do, there are always modifications available in yoga. If you can’t sit on the floor, you can sit on a block or in a chair. Don’t do what I did when I first started yoga… I was so determined to do different poses without help, that I ignored my body’s warning signs (pain) and injured myself. I ended up having to stop practicing yoga for a while because I wasn’t listening to my body.

Yoga is supposed to make you feel good and relaxed. If you don’t feel this way while practicing, then it’s time to try something different. If you keep doing what you are capable of, you will gradually be able to do more. 

As you start your practice, just remember that breath + movement = yoga. Yoga is for all bodies, not just young or skinny bodies.  It is your practice, and your practice alone, so do as you are able.

P.S. If you want my free beginner’s guide to nailing different yoga poses, click here -->>