Use this technique to begin your yoga practice with connection
Before you begin to dig deep into your yoga practice, before you even start the first pose, it’s important to start with this one thing: connecting to your mat.
Your mat doesn’t judge you. Your mat helps to keep you from falling. Your mat is there for you through each and every pose.
Connecting with your mat is simple. Just sit on your mat before you begin your practice. Personally, I like to include my bolster (support cushion designed for yoga) because I feel very connected to this prop as well.
As you sit on your mat, rub your hands on it. I know, I know. This sounds ridiculous. But seriously, try it. Feeling your mat will help boost this connection.
Close your eyes, and pay attention to the texture of the mat as you touch it. Slowly straighten your spine. Drop your shoulders and open up your chest. Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing the sky.
Inhale and exhale through your nose. Use your diaphragm with each and every breath. Start breathing deeper, and sink into your mat.
Breathe more deeply, and more slowly, until you begin to feel attached to your mat. When you feel the connection start to form, slowly place your right hand on your chest, above your heart, then place your left hand on top of your right hand.
You and the mat are one.
Say the mantra, “I am with you, my friend.”
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Say the mantra, “I am with you, my friend, and I am ready to connect.”
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Slowly, bring your hands to prayer, and say 3 affirmations to carry with you throughout your day. Release these intentions to your mat and the universe.
Now, you are ready to begin your practice.
Especially if you are a beginner, connecting with your mat is step one of your yoga process. There are so many things that may be running through your head as you practice. Maybe you’re feeling self-conscious about the way you look. Maybe you’re thinking about your muscles and how you need to move each of them through each pose. Maybe you’re worried about not being flexible enough.
Connecting with your mat builds the confidence you need to navigate the rest of the steps, making the process easier.
If you are looking for more information on how to start a yoga practice, start here ( to sign up for the Pose to Practice course waitlist and receive your FREE poses guide!