Positive People, Good Vibes

Have you ever been to a party and come back angry or unhappy? Do you compare yourself to others?  Do you have friends that bring you down or that are always negative?  This is not an unusual problem.  Many of us are stuck in our daily lives and afraid of change.  We are afraid that if we speak up, a friendship will be ended. We are afraid that if we leave certain people, we won't find anyone to fill their loss.
   Wake up, this is not true.  If you are bogged down by negative energy, aka negative people, you need to disassociate.  Life is about being happy and positive.  Enjoying each other and feeling a good .  Not coming home and wishing your life was different. We all have some friends, relatives, and aquaintances that always behave rudely, bring us down, and talk behind others backs rather than encourage them.
  What are you dealing with them for? Who you associate with reflects on you and how much you feel you are worth.  Love yourself, be true to yourself, and make choices based on what you want rather than what you fear. Fear is no way to live. When you are in a good relationship, you will grow. You will learn more, you will be filled with joy. Finding others will be easy because you will project positivity.  So, dont surround yourself with the living dead, find your way to the garden of Eden.