My husband and I often cook together, creating recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Through trial and error, he came up with this delicious frittata recipe. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do on our Sunday mornings.
6 eggs
1/3 Teaspoon of Salt
1/2 Teaspoon of Pepper
1/2 Teaspoon of Red Crushed Peppers
1/2 Medium Onion Chopped
4 Small Spicy Green Peppers Chopped
1/2 Tomato Chopped
(any other vegetables can be used as well: Bell Peppers, Green Beans, Corn, Coriander, just about anything.
1.Mix eggs together in a bowl and then add all ingrediants except cheese and butter/ghee.
2. Separately, in a deep dish pan that can go in the oven, add butter/ghee to the bottom of it.
3. Pour the eggs in the pan and then sprinkle cheese on top. (whatever cheese you prefer, feta, mozzarella and cheddar are all good choices)
4. Keep in oven for 10 minutes. (Before taking it out of the oven, make sure that eggs are done, all ovens very)
5. After you take it out, let cook for a minute before you cut it.
6.Try it with ketchup or a spicy sauce if you want to add a little more flavor.